So my all time favorite blog is having a contest.... NATURALLY when I decided to do this it was go big, or GO HOME, to your crappy room, ha!

Mandi is my kind of celebrity, just someone you can look up to, as she is true to herself and grounded morally. Mandi uses her gifts in the most beautiful way and she is so lucky she has been able to share her talents with the world! Meeting her would be a dream come true (well a dream since 2010) but since I live across (Virginia) the country and couldn't come to her junk sale etc...

I remember back to when she painted her kitchen ORANGE and then glazed it black!
I normally am super shy and wouldn't even dream about entering something like this.... as you can see I started this blog in 2011 and have one or two posts. Life got in the way and well here I am.
I like to think of myself as creative, but I have been in a slump. My dream would be to be able to do things like Mandi on a daily basis. Right now though, consulting for an engineering firm pays the bills and takes up 99% of my time.
I have never won anything (okay one time in a mall I won some Tommy Hilfiger cologne) so that is a fib, but I have never won anything this big!
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